When it comes to the law, there are several resources to help you find what you need. You can find information on a wide variety of topics, including health care law and regulation, employment laws, labor relations, criminal law, and more. These databases will provide you with articles, research guides, and practice tools, as well as information on current statutes and regulations. It’s also a great place to get information on tax legislation and court decisions.
Aside from this, you can find all kinds of legal analysis, e-books, and practice & compliance resources. Plus, you can find thousands of peer-reviewed full-text publications on a wide range of subjects. All of this is available in an easy-to-use search interface.
One of the newest resources to come to the University of South Carolina School of Law is the M&A news database. This resource offers comprehensive coverage of corporate and state M&A news. It also contains articles on a range of subjects such as labor and employment, tax, environment, and decisional law. The database is complemented by a newsletter and other resources, such as legal career information, new statutes and regulations, and more.
Another resource you can use to keep up with the latest developments in the field is Lexis+(r). With this tool, you can easily locate and read articles on important law issues, such as immigration, intellectual property, and labor and employment. Plus, you can retrieve information on pending amendments to regulations. Additionally, Lexis+(r) CourtLink comes with docket and complaint retrieval. You can also access Lexis+(r) Legal News Hub to discover more premium content.
In addition to this, the Corporate Law Practice Center provides you with information on federal and state employment laws, as well as relevant regulations. You can also find dictionaries and agency materials in this resource. JSTOR contains articles from over 65 business journals and is a resource for current legal news.
Finally, the ABA/Bloomberg Law Lawyer’s Manual on Professional Conduct is a great resource for finding ethics rules, current reports, and local business publications. It is organized into four main sections, each of which contains a specific area of law. EBSCOhost is another valuable resource. You can find hundreds of e-books on topics such as financial accounting, reporting standards, and more.
Using these tools is an essential part of your law school experience. Not only will they help you find what you need, but they can give you a sense of the industry as a whole. If you have questions about using these databases, talk with your academic advisor or librarian.
As you get ready for the fall semester, you should make sure to check out all of the legal resources at the University of South Carolina School of Law. Several professors have been named to endowed chairs or receive awards, and there are new scholarships for students who are committed to improving domestic violence outcomes. And, incoming law students will be paired with mentors and peer support throughout the first year of law school.