Law new is a concept that can be hard to pin down but it’s one that all lawyers should understand. It’s a way of thinking about how to practice law in different ways that can lead to more revenue and client satisfaction. It’s also a way of providing services to clients in areas that might not be the primary focus for the firm. This means looking at how to provide legal help in a variety of ways that can serve the client without impacting other parts of the business.
The federal government has its own set of laws that are passed by Congress and periodically codified in the United States Code. The City of New York also has its own set of laws that are passed or amended by the Council and occasionally codified in the New York Consolidated Laws. The City’s laws may be subject to local regulations that are created and enforced by City agencies.
In this section you can find information about newly enacted laws and laws that have been amended or vetoed since the last legislative session. The search page allows you to view all of the laws or to filter by year. You can also switch between a list of laws for the whole City or only those laws that were passed during a particular legislative session.
Among the state laws that took effect Jan. 1 are ones that make it a misdemeanor to camp on state-owned land in Missouri and another that requires voters to show photo IDs at polling stations. A law that would require third-party food delivery services to obtain a license in order to do business in the City also went into effect, along with a change to the city’s data breach notification laws that makes them more consistent with requirements under the SHIELD Act.
The law that amends the City’s data breach notification laws would require City agencies that experience a data breach involving persons’ private identifying information to promptly notify those persons and DCWP; this bill also changes the definition of “personal identifying information” to align it with definitions in the SHIELD Act.