Law new is a term that has been popping up all over the place. It refers to ways that legal firms are trying to bring in business and create value for clients by bringing in approaches that may not have been typical in the past. It can mean anything from working with underserved communities to creating strategies that are unique to a particular market or area of practice. It also can include using technology and creating a different kind of structure for how a firm is run.
New laws and changes to existing laws are often called bills. To learn more about the process of how a bill becomes a law, visit How Our Laws Are Made.
This bill would make City data breach notification laws more consistent with State law by adding a requirement that, if a public agency suspects that its employees’ private identifying information was exposed due to a cyberattack or other security event, it must promptly disclose the fact to affected persons and to the Chief Privacy Officer, the Office of Cyber Command and the NYPD.
This law would require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, in consultation with the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection, to prepare a notice for city agencies to provide to their employees and job applicants regarding the availability of student loan forgiveness programs.
This bill would amend the definition of “family member” to add parents, grandparents, grandchildren and siblings of a person and to clarify that it is not necessary for the relationship between a person and their family members to have been established prior to the person’s application for a visa. The amendment would also clarify that a person’s eligibility to apply for a visa is not dependent on the person’s current financial or employment status. It would also require the Department of Homeland Security to publish a list of countries whose citizens are eligible for a visa to enter the United States. The department is required to make a similar list of countries that have been excluded from the program, and the bill requires the department to notify Congress of these exclusions at least once every three years. The department is also required to publish an annual report on the effectiveness of the program.